"We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

2 Corinthians 4:7

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"SomeTHING out of NoTHING"

I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a lot on my mind. I was talking to the Lord and trying not to cross over into the land of "worry" when the Holy Spirit reminded me of this,

God knows how to make "something" out of "nothing".

With that thought, I went back to sleep with the comfort of the Lord and the anticipation of what He can and will do!

This morning I got up and read Genesis, Chapter 1. How I needed that reminder of our Creator. I started thinking about all the "THINGS" I tend to focus on.

My money.

My home.

My work.

My talents and gifts.

My husband.

My children.....etc. etc.

MY, MY, MY.........and it was as the Lord kept reminding me that,

"In the beginning GOD CREATED."

Who am I to think anyTHING is mine or by my own doing.

Even the ability to be creative was created by HIM.

I don't know about you, but focusing on Him as Creator, brings me a lot of comfort and relieves a lot of stress.

May you delight in knowing that everyTHING is His, under His control and He is the CREATOR of all THINGS.

"For by him all THINGS were created; THINGS in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all THINGS were created by him and for him.
Colossians 1:16

May EveryTHING that has breath praise the Creator!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trusting Jesus, that is ALL!

Today was one of those days that I woke up with lots of anticipation. James and I were going to one of our local college campuses to pass out Final Exam Survival Kits. God opened an incredible door for us to go on a public campus and pass out items to the students, which also included a gospel tract and information about our church.

I had "fantasies" in my head of how things would be. James and I would have a leisurely breakfast before we had to be at the college.

HOWEVER....things did not turn out as planned. We ended up having to take care of some pressing matters which included coming back to the ranch. Needless to say, I didn' t get that breakfast, but I did get much MORE!

We were both frustrated and so we just prayed out loud as we were driving. Asking God to help us keep our focus, praise Him despite circumstances, and to obey HIM and follow HIS plan regardless of the distractions and the pressing temptation to fall deep into discouragement.

We were able to take care of our business and make it to the college on time. God's presence was with us and He blessed our time on campus. I had also committed to go back tonight to pass out more packets to the night students.

On my way back to the campus I was LEANING on Jesus as I was reflecting on the things that had happened earlier.

All of a sudden a song came to mind and I knew it was the Holy Spirit reminding me of an old Hymn that I learned long ago.

It's called, "Trusting Jesus"

The line of the song that came to my mind was:

"Even when my faith is small, Trusting Jesus that is all."

The song is not saying, "That is all?, That's all you are doing?" It is saying that is enough....it is ALL.

It is ALL we need.

We can trust Him with our ALL, it's ALL His anyway.

Isn't their also a song that says that He is our ALL in ALL?

What that says to me is that regardless of how awful it ALL seems.........He is ALL we need for ALL of it!

ALLways Amazed at His comfort and peace,

PS: I never got that breakfast, but I did get a nice lunch at my hubby's favorite lunch spot,
which makes me happy!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Unfailing Love

This past Sunday, February 14th, my hubby wrote a Sunday School lesson to teach the college students. The title of the lesson was "Unfailing Love". He started the lesson by reading the following......(I had no idea he wrote it until I asked him later who the author was and where he found such a beautiful description of love....He said, "God wrote it on his heart)

It is the subject of films, songs, books, and television. It is sought after, fought over, and longed for likely more than any other thing. It is both blamed for feuds, disagreements, even criminal behavior, and at the same time credited with moving people through compassion to relieve suffering. Nothing generates the sales of flowers, particularly roses , any stronger than this one thing. It is, however, often misunderstood. A man and woman will marry and remain so for their entire lives because of this. In its perfect form, it is the reason God created and the reason He has extended redemption to fallen mankind. It is the reason Jesus was born, the reason he lived, died, and rose again. It is the reason He will return for the redeemed of all ages....LOVE.

Hope you had a blessed Valentine's Day and that you were overwhelmed by the knowledge of His GREAT love for you and that you found comfort in HIS presence as He has wooed you, won you and LOVES you with an INVINCIBLE, INCREDIBLE, UNFAILING LOVE.

God Bless,

Monday, January 4, 2010

A NEW Year!

I love a NEW year! I love the opportunity that the NEW year brings. It's nice to think of 365 NEW days and the opportunities of each day. While many of us like to reflect on the OLD days & while looking back can be good, we can't live there!

NEW,.....don't you like that word? I do.

God uses the word NEW in the Bible quite often. Here are few of the places where the word NEW is found......

"He has put a NEW song in my mouth!" Ps. 40:3a

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a NEW thing! Now it springs up: do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Is. 43:18-19

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are NEW every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22 & 23

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; the old has gone, the NEW has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

NEW, NEW, NEW...........those are just a few of the scriptures that remind us of the NEWness we have as Children of God.

We can't do anything about the PAST. What is DONE is DONE and we don't get to try something over........Adam and Eve could not say, "Can I go back in the garden and try that again?" and Moses could not say, "Can I get another opportunity with the rock? This time I will not strike it!"

No, we can't undo the past; however, when we respond to God's voice..... He reveals His character, and shows us His ways. He is a God who is willing to leave the 99 to go get the 1 that has gotten off His path. Oh what great LOVE He has for us!

It's never too late to start doing what is right and to start NEW!

Although we may still have to walk back through some of the choices we made while veering off HIS path and choosing our own way, He is with us and will help us!

Let's start NEW today!

"Let's us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us!" Hebrews 12:1

I love you all!

May you experience God's Best this NEW year!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Dirt Road

When I lived in Louisana, God blessed me with a wonderful mentor. She was just what I needed for that season of my life. One of the ways she ministered to me was by sharing testimonies of God's faithfulness in her life.

We have kept in touch and one day while we were on the phone she shared with me about a dirt road she used to walk down as a little girl. She told me how she was preparing to teach her Sunday School class and how she was going to use that dirt road as an analogy to her journey as a Christian.

I've never forgot the story, but several months ago I asked her to write it down. She claims she is a better story teller than writer, so she told her son the story and he wrote the following:

The Dirt Road

The road ran just in front of my country home. I was but 8 or 10 years old. And I was always going somewhere. Walking somewhere on that dusty dirt road. On some days I was walking to school in my newest flour sack dress. Some days I was walking to see my beloved Aunt Blanche. And on some days I was walking over to play with my cousins. Some walks were just right over yonder, but most of the time I would walk for a mile or more, quite a stretch for an 8 year old little girl. You might even see me walking back home at dusk, keeping time with clanging cow bells as the cows made their way back from the pasture. That road bent and shaped me, like a hot piece of wrought iron in a blacksmith's shop.

It was wondrous. I daydreamed through the parching dust of a passing produce truck. Sometimes I would stop to pick wildflowers by the roadside, or study a honeybee harvesting nectar to make me some honey with. Early mornings often revealed a covey of wild quail spooked by my noisy journey. And the dusk was teeming with cottontail and wild deer grazing in the meadows along that Louisiana country road. With each passing day, and each journey, I was learning and cherishing the gifts of God. Walking along a dirt road.
There were times when I would stray off the road into the drainage ditch running along the road, playing, and exploring the bustling activities of God's tiniest creations. Occasionally, a thunderstorm would pass, and fill the ditches with water. The muddy water would disguise the hazards of the ditch, yet I would venture on, and end up with battle wounded feet from sharp-edged rocks and the like.

I can remember a time when I wandered into the twilight, traveling with a band of cows making their way to pasture. After a time, when I did not return home at the expected time, my family worried themselves into a panic. But I wasn't worried. I was safe and secure beneath the stars in the company of God.

And as the seasons passed by, I knew that dirt road inside and out, learning to travel with bigger feet and longer legs. And so goes my spiritual journey as I walk in fellowship with God. Sometimes I still wander off "into the ditch", but the Lord shows me the way back to that dirt road, and on some glorious day, that dirt will be paved with gold.

Written by Richard Bissette as told to him by him mom, Carl Deane Bissette
I received this story right before Christmas and what a wonderful Christmas gift it was. I've asked Carl to write some of her testimonies down for me too and she said she would. She has not lived a life free from trouble, but she has lived a life full of HOPE and I HOPE to share more of her testimonies with you soon.