It's one of those Monday's that I do not feel rested. Our family had a busy week last week. My son was in the school musical which meant late nights and early mornings along with 4 performances this weekend. WHEW!
Being in the school musical meant he has stayed after school every day for the last nine weeks as well as an all day dress rehearsal last weekend. Yesterday he had a two hour Orchestra rehersal at church.
He still has school work to finish up and tomorrow is the last day for this quarter. Poor guy, he was up until 1am this morning trying to get it all done. He slept in the car on the way to school. Oh Lord, we need REST. We need you to fill our cup. While it was fun and it was a good opportunity for Andrew to see how far he can be stretched, HE NEEDS SOME REST. We all do.
Tonight is the Cast Party. That will be a lot of fun! God really pulled this cast together and it was neat to see how they leaned on the Lord for strength and gave Him all the praise!
On Thursday, Mollie has a field trip to St. Augustine and our whole family will be going on this trip. Andrew is going to check out a college in St. Augustine and we plan on staying through Saturday.
Thanking the Lord for this opportunity.
We need time together to reconnect. We can run hard and we can run long, but we cannot run hard for very long. Our bodies were made to need REST. Even Jesus took time to REST.
May we all remember to H. A. L. T.
To never let ourselves get too.......
H ungry (physically or spiritually)
A ngry
L onely
T iredLet's remember to Pray for one another. Encourage one another and build each other up. Let's remind each other to lean on Jesus, to depend on Him for our strength.
"Grant us wisdom O' Lord to know what we need to let go of and what we need to do, teach us our Lord to abide in you."
Peace, Cheri